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Hello !

My name is Paul Guyot

I'm a French game designer with an avid passion for interactive fictions. I like to create games for work and for fun.

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How do I work ?

When I think about making video games, team aspect immediately come to my mind. Thus, team spirit, condiserating and paying attention to others but also being open-minded to new ideas are parts of my behavior.

Added to that, due to my former bachelor degree in biology, I take time to study and understand theorical kwnoledges, shared by esteemed game designer or researchers, to apply them.

And, as I consider video games as an expressive medium, my inspirations come from everything. From my passions to everyday life little things, including anecdotal talks or news.

What are my tools ?

In order to work with various professions in big studios, but also to be polyvalent in smaller structures, I develop my skills on numerous softwares.

Thanks to this learning, I am able to discuss on specific and technical domains with my colleagues, and for me, it is vital to go about great projects. On the other hand, I  can easily fill different roles.

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